

裴會長在選舉後順便到家鄉休假,7月中回台後,即刻給會士們一封好消息的郵件,他說總會長會來台灣,希望大家到泰山會院會見總會長;我認為大老遠跑到北部,又不可能有所建言,因此詢問趙必成神父認識總會長嗎?他回簡訊說:沒見過!但聽一位他的學生修士說:曾在泰澤碰到過,修士向總會長說明:趙神父是他見過的最有方濟精神的會士,怎麼台港方濟會士有人說他是法利賽人呢?總會長很簡短的回答:I pray for him. 這位修士就感覺怎麼這麼冷啊!



About six months ago, we had a community meeting that was held by the provincial at our friary. We all came to the conclusion that guardian and procurator must not be the same friar. In addition, Fr. Bonaventure Tung cannot stay at Xinying Friary for good. However, the provincial informed us within one month that the guardian and procurator were still the same person - J.B. Huang. Moreover, Fr. Tung was arranged to live in Xinying Friary for good. What is the value of community meeting? All are decided by the provincial and the guardian!


Would you, dear Fr. Minister General, reply me by written document? Indeed, these small problems are not worthy to intervene the busy schedule of Fr. Minister General. What a pity of this province! Would you please give me answers to these problems as a Minister General? Otherwise, only shop talk is not the purpose of fraternal visit. Certainly, it is neither Franciscan spirit nor gospel life.








The permission of leaving the Order from Fr.Minister General to Fr. Chiu,Bit-shing Abraham

Our brother Fr Abraham earned two doctoral degrees from the USA and his STL from Louvain Catholic University. After he had returned to our province last July, he was disregarded by some friars though they promised to talk with him fraternally about his future in accordance with his competitiveness.

During the sixteen years while he stayed in the USA, he sometimes taught in various seminaries and also conducted retreats to diocesan bishops, priests, and nuns in China. He is greatly welcomed there as I was told.

We the Franciscans should follow the church teaching as to bridge up the Chinese Church and the universal Church. Fr. Abraham applied for teaching in mainland China, however, he is mistreated by some friars as rubbish but ironically, he is treated as the cornerstone of the seminary formation in the Chinese Catholic Church. One reason that I can find from our brothers is jealousy. He was forbidden to work not even out of Xinying area according to the decision of the definitorium on Oct 9, 2015 though he is warmly welcomed from south to north in Taiwan. 

Fr Abraham is not a person who isolates himself from other "brothers" but to the contrast, they isolate him by betraying the promise that some friars had made. For instance, he was allowed to teach in mainland China by the provincial but someone said that he never received any applications from Fr Abraham. That humiliates him openly in our province and simultaneously, mistreats him as a great sinner who lost the spirit of St Francis.

That is the true side of the story why Fr Abraham applied for leaving the Order.


Huang Chun-tian, Antony

July 21, 2015









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